Friday, January 25, 2013

U.S. Navy Reenlistment

January 4, 2013:  The day we signed away the next 3 years of our life to the United States Navy. Also known as the day Brandon reenlisted.  It was a short & simple, but nice ceremony. The girls and I attended and even got a certificate for being awesome & supporting him in his Naval career! Instead of moving home to Michigan this summer, like we'd been planning on for the last year, we're packing up & heading to Bethesda, Maryland for the next three years! 

We were so looking forward to moving home & finally being near family, but we decided that financially, right now, another 3 years in the Navy was the right choice for our family. I have to say, I'm kind of excited. I'm looking forward to living in the DC area where there should be lots more for the girls and I to do during the day, and for us to do as a family on weekends. It will be so much more fun for family to visit us too! And, you definitely won't find me complaining about the shorter drive home to Michigan either! Instead of the 16+ hours it takes us to get home now, we'll only be facing about an 8 hour drive (: Fingers crossed that this means more frequent visits home and more frequent house guests! 

Here are a few pictures from the ceremony: 

                                                                           Brandon (left) reciting the Sailor's Creed 

                                                                       Me receiving my certificate of appreciation.

                                                              Brandon (middle) receiving his reenlistment certificate.

                                                                     The best family shot they got. Thanks Ava! 

I'm so very proud of my husband for all that he does to serve his country, but even more so for what he does for our family!

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