Thursday, January 17, 2013

Introducing The Witheys!

Welcome all! 

First off, I'm Chelsea, your newly blogging military momma. I'm 21 years old and I'm the blessed mother of Ava, my curly headed, blonde 2 1/2 year old, and Bristol, my doe-eyed, brunette 12 month old. The number one man in our life is Brandon, our U.S. Navy corpsman who we're incredibly proud of. We've got 2 puppies following us wherever we go. Olivia is our beagle and Zoey is our mixed mutt. 
                                                                  Photo courtesy of Heather Clark at Clark Photography

Now that you know who we are, here is a little more about me. I'm new to blogging & I can't promise I'll be great at it, but I'm willing to try anything. I am blunt and honest & may come off a little strong, but I promise, my intentions are never to offend or hurt anyone's feelings. I'm just a Midwest girl from Michigan making the journey through this amazing life one day at a time!

What you'll find here:
Basically, I'll be posting whatever the heck strikes my fancy when I am lucky enough to get some free time.

I'm REALLY into fitness and healthy eating. I've lost 46lbs. in the last 9 months and have drastically changed my lifestyle from a lazy, junk eating, tired-all-the-time one to a fruits-&-veggie filled, exercising, adventurous one. I will post weightloss and fitness related photos, along with yummy foods/drinks I may find along the way. 

                                                                                                                                   46 lb. difference

My girls are my world. I'm a SAHM so my day revolves around them. I love to follow them around with my camera and capture all their special moments. They will most likely be the majority of what you'll see and read about on here. 

                                                                                      Bristol Mackenna 12 Months

                                                                                                                  Ava Madyson 2 1/2 Years Old

One word: BOOKS! I absolutely LOVE to read! I am a murder/police mystery kind of girl all the way. A love story thrown in now and then, but crime novels are where it's at! I'll try to post a book and with the author and a little review when I finish one. 

I will try and keep up with this blogging business as frequently as I can. Life is a whirlwind and sometimes we get busy. We'll be moving from North Carolina, our home for the past 4 years, to Maryland, our home for the next 3 years, in early June, so I may be absent more than normal the closer it gets to moving time, but sit tight, as Arnold said, "I'll be back!"

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